perm filename TEST.TEX[RDG,DBL] blob sn#534519 filedate 1980-09-09 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	\input UNIT.TEX[RDG,DBL]
C00007 00003	\StartIndex
C00014 ENDMK

\ClassEntry <{Anything} 1 {The topmost node, in all the hierarchies.}>
\CFact SubClass@
AnyAT&U AnyAbstractThing AnyCT&U AnyConcreteThing AnyUnit>
\CFact Direct Examples@AnyClassOfObjects>
\SlotsFor {thing}

\SlotEntry <{Isa} {FSet (UnitType (*P AnyClassOfObjects))} {This primitive slot 
is the fundamental hierarchical link in this system, specifying those classes to
 which this unit belongs. Note that its format is SET - hence this system can handle
 a DAG structure; better for our purposes than a tree.}>
\SFact Inverse@Examples>

\SlotEntry <{Characteristics} {FSet NonNILType} {This lists some essential characteristics
 of this unit. (Not currently in use.)}> \SFact HighLevelDefn@(Unioning FunctionCharacter FormatCharacter)>

\SlotEntry <{Descr} {FSingleton NonNILType} {This describes this unit. (It is used
 to generate this document.)}>
\SlotEntry <{AllIsas} {FSet UnitType} {This specifies each class to which this unit
 belongs. (It includes each \Slot (SuperClass) \ of this unit's \Slot (Isa) \ slot.
)}> \SFact Inverse@AllExamples>
\SFact HighLevelDefn@(Composition SuperClass* Isa)>

\SlotEntry <{AllGenls} {FSet UnitType} {This points to a list of those units which
 are somehow more general than this unit.}> \SFact Inverse@AllSpecs>
\SFact HighLevelDefn@(Unioning Prototypes (OneOf SuperClass* SuperTypEx* SuperSlot* GenlAct*))>

\SlotEntry <{AllSpecs} {FSet UnitType} {This lists every unit which is somehow more
 precise than this unit.}> \SFact Inverse@AllGenls>
\SFact HighLevelDefn@(Unioning AllTypicalExampleOfs (OneOf SubClass* SubTypEx* SubSlot* SpecAct*))>

\SlotEntry <{Prototypes} {FSet (UnitType (*P AnyArchetype))} {This points to each
 typical example of this unit, not necessarily in order of increasing generality.
}> \SFact Inverse@AllTypicalExampleOfs>
\SFact HighLevelDefn@(Composition TypicalExample AllIsas)>

\SlotEntry <{Specializations} {FSet UnitType} {This points to each unit which ``specializes''
 this unit.}> \SFact Inverse@Generalizations>
\SFact HighLevelDefn@(OneOf SubSlot SpecAct SubTypEx SubDT SubClass)>

\SlotEntry <{OrderedPrototypes} {FOrderedSet UnitType} {Enumerates the prototypes
 of this unit in order of increasing generality (i.e. \Unit (TypicalDog) \ would
 precede \Unit (TypicalAnimal) .)}> \SFact HighLevelDefn@(PutInOrder Prototypes SuperTypEx* NIL MembForOrdPro)>

\ClassEntry <{AnyAT&U} 2 {This is a HACK - to deal with the units in this system,
 which represent both some abstract object (NOT in the world,) and themselves...
}> \CFact SuperClass@Anything>
\CFact SubClass@AnyIntensionalObject>

\ctrline{\it The slots appropriate for all ``AT&U''s are those defined for each of: (
\Unit (AnyUnit)\  \Unit (AnyAbstractThing)\ ).}

\IS <*vaLue*   6>
\IS <AllExamples 10>
\IS <AllGenls 1>
\IS <AllIsas 1>
\IS <AllSBF 32>
\IS <AllSpecs 1>
\IU <Any$SELF$Slot 33>
\IU <AnyAT&U 2>
\IU <AnyAbstractThing 8>
\IU <AnyAccessSlot 38>
\IU <AnyAction 22>
\IU <AnyActionSequence 13>
\IU <AnyArchetype 4>
\IU <AnyCT&U 9>
\IU <AnyClassOfObjects 10>
\IU <AnyConcreteThing 46>
\IS <MyToKillMe 43>
\IS <MyToRenameMe 43>
\IS <NetworkStatus 20>
\IS <Networks 20>
\IS <NewPossibleSlots 4>
\IS <OpenDate 20>
\IS <OpenningOptions 44>
\IS <OrderForToInit 34>
\IS <OrderedPrototypes 1>
\IS <PossibleSlots 4>
\IS <PreConditions 23>
\IU <PrimSlot 37>
\IS <Prototypes 1>
\IS <Range 23>
\IS <RangeInterpreter 11>
\IS <RangeOf 10>
\IS <RangeType 23>
\IS <SlotsBuiltFrom 23>
\IS <SlotsUsedInBuilding 23>
\IS <SpecAct 22>
\IS <SpecAct* 22>
\IS <Specializations 1>
\IS <StandsForSlot 36>
\IS <StdExamples 10>
\IS <StoredAList 28>
\IS <StoredInTypAs 33>
\IS <SubActions 13>
\IS <SubClass 10>
\IS <SubClass* 10>
\IS <SubDT 11>
\IS <SubDT* 11>
\IS <SubSlot 34>
\IS <SubSlot* 34>
\IS <SubTypEx 4>
\IS <SubTypEx* 4>
\IS <SuperClass 10>
\IS <SuperClass* 10>
\IS <SuperDT 11>
\IS <SuperDT* 11>
\IS <SuperSlot 34>
\IS <SuperSlot* 34>
\IS <SuperTypEx 4>
\IS <SuperTypEx* 4>
\IS <ToAddValue 34>
\IS <ToCache 28>
\IS <ToConfirmValue 28>
\IS <ToDeleteValue 34>
\IS <ToGetValue 32>
\IS <ToInitialize 34>
\IS <ToLookUp 28>
\IS <ToParseParts 24>
\IS <ToPutValue 34>
\IS <ToSubstValue 34>
\IS <TotalSoFar 10>
\IS <TypicalExample 10>
\IS <TypicalExampleOf 4>
\IS <UnitsBuiltFrom 23>
\IS <UseToGetSlots 18>
\IS <UserNames 44>
\IS <UsingFunctionals 23>
\IS <UsingFunctions 23>
\IS <UsingSlotCombiners 32>
\IS <UsualKBs 44>
\IS <VerifyAll 34>
\IS <VerifyElement 34>
\IS <VerifyType 11>
\IU <VirtualSlot 40>
\IS <WhatToProcess 21>
\IS <WhenOpeningNetwork 20>
\IS <WhenWritingNetwork 20>
\IS <WritingOptions 44>